choivo: MYNEWS (5275) - Q4 2020 Update - Choivo Capital,MYNEWS (5275) - Dr CU in da house. 66% Upside - Choivo Capital,About Us - Choivo Capital,Choivo Capital - Facebook,
(CHOIVO CAPITAL) Why Highways are a Gruesome Industry - WCE Holdings Berhad (3565) Over the last year or so, i've gotten relatively familiar with the highway industry in general, and given what I know today, i can't help but think back to one of my earlier research.
(CHOIVO CAPITAL) KFIMA (6491) - A 3.6 PE Palm Oil Plantation Company with 5% Dividend Yield & 100% ROA Business Segments. Created by Choivo Capital | Jan 08, 2021
However, 2020 was a key turnaround for them with the long outstanding land acquisition issues being solved, and 2021 is the year, most sections will be completed, with the key and high projected traffic sections in Selangor being completed.
Out of all my picks this year, the one that is currently underperforming in terms of price movement is myNEWS, and most of it is due to the Q4 2020 results which appear lackluster on the surface.